• Str. Carpaților nr. 8 Brașov
  • Lu - Vi 9.00 - 21.00 / Sâm 10.00 - 14.00

Dr. Scarneciu Andreea

Dr. Scarneciu Andreea

Dermato-Venereology and Esthetic Dermatology Specialist
  • Adresa :
    No. 8 Carpatilor Street, post code 500482


Dermatology specialist medical doctor, a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine within the University of Transilvania Brasov, class of 2015, with a residency within Mures County Clinical Hospital between 2016 and 2019.

Dr Andreea Scarneciu hold professional expertise and medical competencies in the fields of dermoscopy, cryotherapy, electrocautery for benign skin lesion removal, DermaPen, intralesional injections, vascular laser, filler and botulinic toxin injection, dermatological surgery (skin biopsy).


Faculty of Medicine, class of 2015

Faculty of Medicine within Transilvania University of Brasov.

Dr Scarneciu has been a member of the Romanian Society of Dermatology as of 2016.

“I believe that in order to be a good doctor, apart from the passion, you also need a lot of work, dedication, engagement and devotion. I put my heart into it, I empathize with each and every patient, and try to find the best possible solution for their ailment. Being part of a highly trained team helps and motivates me each and every day”.

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