Dr. Berbece Daniela
Immediate Load Implant Prosthetics Specialist
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Adresa :No. 8 Carpatilor Street, post code 500482
Dr Berbece Daniela puts passion into customized dentistry services, which are always explained to the patients in great detail. I have always known that I will choose a profession allowing me to help solve people’s problems. Patience and empathy for the patients are the key strengths in the doctor-patient relation.
A perfectionist by nature, Dr Berbece Daniela will always look for the right treatment, adapted to any situation.
“I believe that the human side and good psychologist skills, mixed with passion and professionalism, are of essence and mandatory for a complete medical act.”
She has attended more than 15 post-university training courses in the field of endodontics, restorative odontotherapy, prosthetics, implant-supported prosthetics, aesthetics.