Dr. Med. Scarneciu Vlad Daniel
Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist, Implantology Specialist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, thesis title “Use of bone grafts in the reconstruction of congenital alveolar ridge clefts” CEO
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Adresa :No. 8 Carpatilor Street, post code 500482
Oral and maxillofacial surgeon, trained at “OMF Surgery Clinic”, Clinical Emergency University Hospital in Targu Mures.
A graduate of more than 30 post-university specialty training courses in the field of implantology, reconstructive surgery and facial aesthetics between 2014 and 2020. Author of multiple specialty papers indexed by ISI and BDI under the B+ category.
PhD Thesis
Specialist in oral and maxillo-facial surgery, with training at the “OMF Surgery Clinic” Targu Mures University Emergency Hospital.
Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, Transilvania University of Brasov, 2011.
Graduate of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Umf Targu Mures, 2014.
PhD in Medical Sciences, Transilvania University of Brasov, with the topic “The use of bone grafts in the reconstruction of alveolar ridge splits” 2018.
Assistant Professor in the Department of Anatomy of the Faculty of Medicine, Transilvania University of Brasov 2015-2018.